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Our Blog
Blogs covering topics we cover in our coaching sessions and giving you brief solutions and ideas to change your thinking

Simon Robson
Jul 16, 20201 min read
Stop Trying so much
Give up trying. Go up to a chair and try to lift it and then go up to a chair and try not to lift it You'll fail both times as you will...

Simon Robson
Jul 14, 20202 min read
Time Flies
You cannot, they fly so fast, was an old joke that my mum said to me. We have an interesting relationship with time. Remember at school...

Simon Robson
Jul 12, 20201 min read
Stop The World I Wanna Get Off!
I'm subscribed to a Facebook page based on where I used to live. and it's full of old pictures and characters and buildings from my...

Simon Robson
Jul 9, 20202 min read
One moment(um) in time..
Ok, hands up whose now got a Whitney Houston song and voice in their head ? There's a YouTube video I was shown about two years ago. It...

Simon Robson
Jul 6, 20201 min read
Make your life more colourful
Todays Re-Freshing Idea. I've read people on here complaining about colour backgrounds on social media or new re-branded items Okay,...

Simon Robson
Jul 3, 20201 min read
I'm scared mummy!
Okay if you're a mum, you've probably heard this. If you remember saying this, well done, as the event was generally after a nightmare...

Simon Robson
Jul 1, 20201 min read
Lonely, I am so lonely...
Many people struggle with loneliness and apparently today's generation of under 25's are reported to be the most lonely in recent memory....

Simon Robson
Jun 29, 20203 min read
How Childish are you ?
Yep, ask yourself, how childish are you ? Your first reaction is to think ' I'm not chilidish!, I'm Adult-ish !' Hear me out as I...

Simon Robson
Jun 15, 20201 min read
Do you find being offensive, offensive?
Go to many social media feeds and it'll be there. Here's the thing, you can't stop it. If I say something on here and you're offended,...

Simon Robson
Jun 2, 20201 min read
One good turn deserves another
Good Morning Re-Freshing followers, likers and lovers. In these extraordinary times, I feel we need to support each other more. Those of...

Simon Robson
May 28, 20201 min read
Today's Re-Freshing thought; Tecnofobe or love ?
I love pretty much most technology. Yes even when it ceases to work. Take a moment to think. When you have a smart phone, you have...
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